Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Roll Film 3: On Set of Suffocator of Sins

The third and final day of filming arrived, and knowing that it will be my last day until filming begins once again, it's a bit saddening. Even though call time wasn't until 3 P.M., my body's self timer had me up early and quite eager to return. Of course, this day was quite different than the previous two, sort of calm, but then again, everyone's energy must have been spent from last night huge club scene.

Even from being exhausted, I kept going, and that's the sign of commitment to a project that you were barely brought onto. Shows you have the drive, the determination, to finish what you start no matter how many hours you've been on set, and that goes for any profession. As the night went on, it seemed that close ups were being done for future editing during the first portion as dressing was being completed by crew in other locations of the building. 

The night went longer than I expected. It might have been exhaustion setting in, but I had to be here. I had to get these amazing photos for you, all of you, and I take pride in doing my job to bring you high quality photographs no matter what situation is thrown my way. The sets began to move around quickly, from one *enter spoiler here* to another. After a certain time, my mind wasn't in the right place and I had to leave in order to rest. 

This was quite the experience for me, one that I will never forget nor want to. I was give a huge opportunity by Irene Villalobos, and since then, Dave Aragon has been a supporter, and I support everything both of them have done and will do. I can't thank them enough. Leaving the location at 1 A.M. didn't seem like a big deal . . . Until I found out filming was complete by 7 A.M.

-Xander Pavon

Friday, April 13, 2012

Roll Film Pt. 2: On Set of Suffocator of Sins

Today, the big scene is to be filmed. A dance club involving cops, guns, blood and death, so I arrived bright eyed and bushy tailed, eager to get this day in my record books. Everything went according to plan, well, almost. Set dressing and lighting had to be done, which I paid no mind. Showing up early just shows dedication to a project even if you were just brought into said project the night before.

I know what you're thinking, and yes, fascism is the focus on this scene. People following the word of a single man that claims he can change the World. I'm sure you've seen this before, especially if you're a fan of David Bowie and Marilyn Manson as they've visited the subject matter as well. Okay, I got side tracked because I was reminiscing about past Marilyn Manson concerts, but I couldn't help it. Back to the topic at hand.

After a while, the night seemed like a blur with scenes being done left and right, and the experience was amazing once again, getting more photographs than I can imagine. Most of the night's events and behind the scene's views are already posted and well liked by fans of the creation and my photography. Dave Aragon is the most down to earth person I've met and was as focused as anyone I've ever met, putting his heart and soul into this project. 

Two nights down, one more to go, and this night went down with guns blazing. Saturday the 14th bled into Sunday the 15th, and with call time 12 hours away . . . Waking up will be the only difficult thing to do.

- Xander Pavon